Whenever you are purchasing a website and email hosting with any of the reputed hosting provider like, godaddy, Inmotion, Big rock etc then probably you will not face this issue of landing an email to spam. This is a Very Common issue faced when someone tries to Setup their on cPanel Account in any of the Cloud Server or in their Own datacentre.
Just for an Example, if you are trying to setup cPanel account in AWS ec2 instance then definetly you will face this issue. Though there might possibilities that even after purchasing email and web hosting from any of the reputed Hosting providers, you may face this issue.
Below are few of the possibilities for email landing to spam issue which you can fix by following the points below.
Consider you have Setup cPanel Account on AWS ec2 Instance and with creation of email Id’s, you may face the below Issues,
- Email Sent from the cPanel will land on Spam.
- You may not be able to send more than 25 email and an AWS ec2 has a throttle of 25 email per region on an ec2 instance.
- Email Deliverability can fail with the reverse DNS issue. You can check that in Email Deliverability Section in cPanel.
How to resolve this issue?
For email going to Spam Issue.
1. First check the Reputation of your Public IP. you can use this link to check. If the reputation is not good, then try to get other IP address.
2. Configure DKIM and SPF well for your domain.
- Spammers sometimes use fake “From” email IDs to make customers click on a phishing link for malfunctioning activities which is called spoofing.
- Mail servers prevent users from this by using DNS records called SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail).
- SPF and DKIM records list the authorized mail sending IPs for a domain and decryption keys for encrypted headers. Receiving mail servers use this to check if an incoming mail is valid.
- If there are no SPF or DKIM records defined, receiving mail servers will have work with the assumption that the sender may be fake.
- This Will cause your email to land on spam.
- To Enable DKIM and SPF, Go to cPanel => Email => Email Deliverability => Manage (for respective domain)
3. Finally Check whether Reverse DNS (rDNS) is Configured Correctly or not.
- You have to ask AWS support to enable rDNS from their end which is not under your control.
- Check this link for details. you have to fill up a form and submit the request to AWS.
- They may ask for the proper reason for doing this, be prepared with your answers.
- Once they Update from their end then you will also have to configure rDNS from WHM account. Follow the cPanel Video link below.
IMP NOTE: Setting up the rDNS is basically adding the PTR Record pointing to the Hostname of the Server.
Remove email throttle from ec2.
You have to contact the AWS support or any other Service provider and ask them to remove the throttle from the Server. you may have to give proper Justification for this request. Once AWS accepts yor request then you will be allowed to send and receive unlimited emails
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