I always work on a simple principle – “Keep the things simple”. This simple concept always helped me personally and professionally. Recently I have gone through an incident which again proved that the said concept always works.
In 2014, I have worked very hard to create a web application. It took me hell lot of time, money and coordination with many applicatoin developers. The size of app was about 12 MB so to keep it safe and availability, I have zipped it and kept in my Gmail.
Few months ago, after almost 5 years, suddenly I needed that application but when I have opened my Gmail, I was shocked to see that my attachment was blocked by Gmail.
I am sure that many of you have gone through this issue. Earlier it was not there but due to the recent cyber attacks, Gmail might have enabled this security feature to block the Zip files or attachments containing programming or executable files. I really don’t know what exactly happened but I was completely cornered as I was not able to see the download button at all. I couldn’t let it go as it was very much important for me.
Here, I want to quote one thing: We all are using Google services for sure. Not only because it’s free but the quality of apps are just awesome. You name any product from Google to Maps, or Gmail, Youtube, Drive, Docs, Blogger or name any other product. But on one point you will also agree with me that the support service of Google is not that smooth.
Anyhow, I tried to search every possible Google forum but didn’t get even a single relevant information which could help me to get rid of this issue. There is absolutely NO such email ID or phone no where I could ask Google to help me. I found few websites which claims that with the use of their software, I can download the blocked content. Few are free and most of them are paid but as a technical person, I better know that none of those software are going to work. The whole process (searching and all) took around 4 hours and the result was absolutely zero. So, at one point of time I became hopeless and decided to delete that mail.
Suddenly, I don’t know what prompted me but I thought let’s do it from Gmail Android app. Surprisingly, when I have opened my Gmail mobile app, I saw the download button was enable.
Yes, I was successfully able to download the file from Gmail Android app and get it on my PC. For what I was searching all over the internet since hours, the solution was actually in my pocket. I have just finished it and immediately I am writing this post so that it can help others who are facing similar kind of issue.
So, the bottom line is, “just use Google mobile app to download the blocked attachment”. I hope, you will also believe what I believe. Just keep the things simple!